#MellowMusic Hits: Kya Karoon by Zaeden

Ah, the bittersweet feeling of having a crush, the butterflies in the stomach, and the endless daydreaming. We've all been there, haven't we? "Kya Karoon" by Zaeden takes us on a nostalgic journey back to those school days when a single glance from that special someone could make our hearts skip a beat.

In this music review, we'll delve into the world of "Kya Karoon" and explore its relatable lyrics, capturing the essence of unrequited love and the dilemma of not knowing what to do about it.

The lyrics of "Kya Karoon" beautifully encapsulate the rollercoaster of emotions that come with having a crush. They speak of the longing, the yearning, and the hesitation that arise when feelings remain unexpressed. Zaeden's heartfelt rendition paints a vivid picture of those stolen glances, the hope that lingers, and the deep desire to bridge the gap between two hearts. The lyrics capture the innocence and vulnerability of young love, resonating with anyone who has experienced the pangs of unrequited affection.

The theme of "Kya Karoon" revolves around the exploration of unrequited love and the struggle of not knowing how to act upon it.

It delves into the internal turmoil faced by the protagonist, torn between the fear of rejection and the overwhelming desire to express their feelings. The song encapsulates the universal experience of being caught in the web of emotions, unsure of how to navigate the delicate balance between friendship and love.

"Kya Karoon" creates a warm and nostalgic atmosphere, transporting us back to the innocent days of youthful infatuation. The song's gentle acoustic melodies and Zaeden's soothing vocals establish a serene and heartfelt vibe. It evokes a sense of longing and introspection, mirroring the emotions one experiences when caught in the throes of an unrequited crush. The overall mood of the song is introspective, allowing listeners to reflect on their own romantic escapades.

"Kya Karoon" unravels the inner conflict of unrequited love, the agonizing dilemma of wanting to express one's feelings but fearing the consequences.

It takes us on a journey through the corridors of uncertainty, where unspoken words and stolen glances form the backdrop of an unfulfilled love story. The song beautifully captures the essence of longing, painting a poignant picture of the unspoken emotions that often lie hidden beneath youthful innocence.

"Kya Karoon" by Zaeden is a heartfelt anthem to the throes of unrequited love. With its relatable lyrics, soothing melodies, and nostalgic vibe, the song transports us back to those school days when our hearts brimmed with untold emotions. It serves as a gentle reminder that the beauty of love lies not only in its fulfillment but also in the unspoken connections that shape our journey. So, if you find yourself lost in the maze of a crush, let "Kya Karoon" be your musical companion, as it captures the very essence of that beautiful and sometimes frustrating experience.


Verse 1: सोचता हूँ मैं हर एक दिन ये क्या बातें करूँ? क्या जानूँ मैं तुझसे? कहता हूँ मैं हर दिन खुद से सपना है तू पाऊँ तुझे कैसे? (I think about this every day What should I talk about? What should I know about you? I tell myself every day It's a dream, how can I have you?)

Chorus: रोज यूँ खो रहा हूँ, बेवजह गा रहा हूँ रात-दिन तेरा नाम लूँ कभी-कभी लगता है कि तू एक अपना है तेरे बिन अब मैं क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ मैं? (Every day, I am lost, singing without any reason Day and night, I take your name Sometimes it feels like you are someone close What should I do now without you? What should I do?)

Verse 2: मेरी इस हालत पे मुझे यही लगता है तेरे बिन अब मैं क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ मैं? डरता था मैं, पर अब कब से हँसता ही हूँ जाना तुझे जब से (I feel this way about my condition What should I do now without you? What should I do? I used to be scared, but not anymore I've been smiling since I met you)

Chorus: रोज़ यूँ खो रहा हूँ, बेवजह गा रहा हूँ रात-दिन तेरा नाम लूँ (तेरा ही नाम लूँ मैं) कभी-कभी लगता है कि तू एक अपना है तेरे बिन अब मैं क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ मैं? (Every day, I am lost, singing without any reason Day and night, I take your name (I take only your name) Sometimes it feels like you are someone close What should I do now without you? What should I do?)

Verse 3: चारों तरफ़ तू ही दिखे, क्या करूँ मैं तू बता खो ही गया तुझमें मैं (फिर क्यूँ?) कभी-कभी लगता है कि तू एक अपना है तेरे बिन अब मैं क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ मैं? (I see only you around, what should I do, you tell me I got lost in you (then why?) Sometimes it feels like you are someone close What should I do now without you? What should I do?)

Chorus: मेरी इस हालत पे मुझे यही लगता है तेरे बिन अब मैं क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ मैं? क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ? क्या करूँ मैं? (On my current state, I feel this way What should I do now without you? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?)

Audio Credits:

  • Written, sung & performed by Zaeden
  • Music by Polar Beats, Zaeden (Polar Beats)
  • Mix and Master by Polar Beats Artwork by Gopi Vadsak