#MellowMusic Hits: Hawa Le by Sushant KC

A significant part of Hawa Le's appeal is its portrayal of emotional connection across distances.

Through its serene composition and heartfelt lyrics, 'Hawa Le' by Sushant KC invites you into a world where love transcends physical boundaries, carried by the wind.

The Essence of 'Hawa Le'

From the first note, 'Hawa Le' wraps listeners in a melody as gentle as a caress, setting the stage for a deeply emotional journey. The song opens with a question, "खालि सपनीमा कति देख्नु तिमीलाई?" (How much do I see you in dreams alone?), immediately pulling us into the introspective world of the narrator, where dreams and reality blur in the face of love.

The power of 'Hawa Le' lies in its lyrics, which Sushant KC delivers with a sincerity that's both touching and relatable. "आऊ, बिपनीमा पनि बेरूँ अँगालोमा" (Come, even in hardships, let's embrace) reflects a yearning not just for the presence of the beloved but for the comfort and support that presence brings.

The Theme: Love's Quiet Strength

'Hawa Le' explores the theme of love's endurance in the face of challenges. "भन जता, माया, त्यतै आई भेट्छु म तिमीलाई" (Tell me where, my love, and there I will meet you) speaks to the commitment to overcome obstacles for the sake of love, highlighting the quiet strength that lies in true emotional bonds.

Beyond its lyrics, 'Hawa Le' is rich in musical and thematic intricacies.

The repetition of "मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले" (Your breeze has cooled my heart) serves as a refrain that emphasizes the healing and transformative power of love. This line, repeated with conviction, becomes a mantra for the enduring nature of love, no matter the distance.

A significant part of Hawa Le's appeal is its portrayal of emotional connection across distances. "तिमी आउँदा नजिक यो हावा नै" (When you come near, even this air) captures the essence of feeling someone's presence through the simplest of elements, like the breeze, making 'Hawa Le' a touching ode to love's ability to transcend physical barriers.


खालि सपनीमा कति देख्नु तिमीलाई?
How much do I see you in dreams alone?
आऊ, बिपनीमा पनि बेरूँ अँगालोमा
Come, even in hardships, let's embrace
भन जता, माया, त्यतै आई भेट्छु म तिमीलाई
Tell me where, my love, and there I will meet you
लजाउँछौ भने के छ र, भेटौँला अँध्यारोमा
If you are shy, what is it, we will meet in the darkness
नराख, नराख सिसाले छोपेर ती आँखालाई
Do not hide, do not hide those eyes with glass
पागल, म पागल भनी सोचेर तिमी नभाग
Crazy, thinking I am crazy, do not you run away
तिमी आउँदा नजिक यो हावा नै
When you come close, even this air
महसुस बेग्लै भाछ, खै, yeah
Feels different, wonder why, yeah
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले
Your breeze has cooled my heart
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले
Your breeze has cooled my heart
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले
Your breeze has cooled my heart
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले (हावाले)
Your breeze has cooled my heart (by the breeze)
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
हावाले, हावाले
By the breeze, by the breeze
तिम्रो कोही न कोही त होला पछि परिराख्ने
Someone of yours must be there to keep you behind
खालि सताउने म हैन होला
It must not be me who only troubles you
बोली नै कोयली, अझै कति मारिराख्ने?
Even the cuckoo's voice, how much more will you kill?
ढाली हजारौँलाई नजाऊ न
Do not go melting thousands
अब मदहोस, म बेहोस भए तिम्रै नै हो दोष
Now intoxicated, if I faint, it's all your fault
कति खोज्नु? कति बोक्नु यो एक्लो मनको बोझ?
How much to search? How much to carry this burden of a lonely heart?
तिमी आउँदा नजिक यो हावा नै, हावा नै
When you come close, this air, this air
महसुस बेग्लै भाछ, खै, भाछ, खै
Feels different, wonder why, wonder why
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले
Your breeze has cooled my heart
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले
Your breeze has cooled my heart
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले
Your breeze has cooled my heart
मेरो हृदयमा शीतल पस्यो तिम्रो हावाले (हावाले)
Your breeze has cooled my heart (by the breeze)
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
By the breeze
म त हेर, दङ्ग, तिमी मसँग भए चाहिएन कोही अरू
I look, amazed, when you are with me, there shouldn't be anyone else
आँखा मेरा बन्द गरेबेला झसङ्ग भए नआत्तिनू है, मुटु
When my eyes close, my heart shouldn't tremble with fear
तिमी पर जाला, जाला भनी डर ला-ला-ला-ला-लाग्छ
Afraid that you might go far, far, saying it feels scary, oh scary, yeah

Audio Credits:

  • Written, Composed, and Performed by Sushant KC
  • Mixed/Mastered by Foeseal